
We are the Denver-area chapter of the International Aerobatic Club, a division of the Experimental Aircraft Association. Our members come from all along the Front Range from Ft. Collins to Colorado Springs, as well as from neighboring states. RMAC's goal is safety above all else. We share a love of aerobatic flying, whether for personal enjoyment, the precise demands of competition, or working on the sidelines as judges and support personnel at contests. Our activities fall into three main categories:

  • Competition
  • Recreational flying, including critique and practice days
  • Group meetings and social events

To learn more, click on one of the menu links above. Thanks for visiting!

Chapter Meeting


Monthly Chapter Meeting and Lunch.
Location: Spirit of Flight Center (map), Erie CO (KEIK).

If you're flying in (which we highly encourage!), you can reach Spirit of Flight by taxiing north on the FBO ramp to the end, turn left (west) on the taxiway that parallels the crosswind runway, go over the bridge, then jog to the left.

Chapter Meeting & Critique

Monthly Chapter Meeting and Lunch.
Location: Spirit of Flight Center at Erie Airpark (KEIK).  Fly in if the weather's good, otherwise drive.
Street address: 2650 S. Main St., Building A, Erie CO 80516.
Taxi instructions: North from the FBO, west on the connector that parallels the old crosswind runway, over the viaduct, jog south and then west again.


Chapter Meeting & Critique

Monthly Chapter Meeting and Lunch.
Location: Tom Larkin's house, 2975 Piper Dr. S., Erie, CO (map).  Fly in if the weather's good, otherwise drive.

  • 10am: Officers and Directors meeting, closed session.
  • 11am: General session.
  • Noon: Lunch, $5pp. Critiquing at I-25 and Hwy. 52 (weather permitting).


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