
We are the Denver-area chapter of the International Aerobatic Club, a division of the Experimental Aircraft Association. Our members come from all along the Front Range from Ft. Collins to Colorado Springs, as well as from neighboring states. RMAC's goal is safety above all else. We share a love of aerobatic flying, whether for personal enjoyment, the precise demands of competition, or working on the sidelines as judges and support personnel at contests. Our activities fall into three main categories:

  • Competition
  • Recreational flying, including critique and practice days
  • Group meetings and social events

To learn more, click on one of the menu links above. Thanks for visiting!

Big Weekend: April 8-9-10!

This coming weekend is going to be a busy one for Chapter 12, with two major events!

EVENT #1: National IAC Board of Directors Meets in Colorado. Welcome dinner Friday 4/8, meeting Saturday 4/9.

The IAC Board of Directors and Officers are holding their annual spring meeting at the Hilltop Inn, adjacent to BJC (map).

Chapter 12 members are invited to meet and greet the IAC's national leadership over drinks and dinner on Friday evening, April 8th, starting at 6:30pm. Saturday's Board meeting runs from 8am to 5pm, and members are welcome to attend (seating for up to 15 people is available.)  Both dinner and the meeting will be at the Hilltop Inn.

Guests will include: Doug Bartlett (Pres.), Doug Sowder (VP), Ellyn Robinson (Secretary), Bob Hart (Treasurer), and Board Members Tom Adams, Louis Andrew, Bob Armstrong, Norm DeWitt, Klein Gilhousen, Wayne Roberts, Doug Lovell, Darren Pleasence, Debby Rihn-Harvey, our own Bob Freeman, and Lynn Bowes.

Stop by Friday night or Saturday -- this is a rare opportunity to visit with the IAC national leadership in our own back yard.


EVENT #2: Chapter 12 Monthly Meeting & Critique Session, Sunday 4/10.

IAC12's regular "second Saturday" meeting will move to Sunday, to avoid conflicts with the BoD meeting. The location is still Tom Larkin's house at EIK (map).

  • 9am: IAC12 Officers & Directors. Closed session.

  • 10am: Chapter meeting - contest planning update, IAC BoD meeting synopsis, Learn To Fly Day planning, waiver status, etc...

  • 11am - ??: Critiquing and Cookout.   Note: This is probably the last chapter-wide critique session before the May 14-15 contest in Sterling, so don't miss it!

Major Revisions to the 2012 Aresti Catalog

UPDATE: After a few errors were found and fixed, CIVA re-released the new catalog. Use the link below to download the latest greatest version.

CIVA has decided to re-organize the catalog, and now every figure will have a four-part number. For instance, the former 8.1.1 Humpty Bump will now be Only Family 9 -- "Rolls & Spins" -- is unchanged. Therefore every single Free Program will have to be re-certified for the 2012 season. The good news is that only the figure numbers have changed.


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