
We are the Denver-area chapter of the International Aerobatic Club, a division of the Experimental Aircraft Association. Our members come from all along the Front Range from Ft. Collins to Colorado Springs, as well as from neighboring states. RMAC's goal is safety above all else. We share a love of aerobatic flying, whether for personal enjoyment, the precise demands of competition, or working on the sidelines as judges and support personnel at contests. Our activities fall into three main categories:

  • Competition
  • Recreational flying, including critique and practice days
  • Group meetings and social events

To learn more, click on one of the menu links above. Thanks for visiting!

Chapter 12 Seeks Treasurer

Chapter 12 is seeking a volunteer to serve in the role of the chapter Treasurer.  Marc Connolly stepped up last year to fill in when we lost Pat Fogarty last year.  Thank you for your service Marc!   Marc would like to pass the baton and so we are looking for a member that would like to help the Chapter in this way.  The reward will be the incredible satisfaction of playing a key leadership role in the chapter and the accolades of thousands of Chapter 12 members.   If you are interested, please contact Julia Apfelbaum.  Thank you!

Mary Meisler Has Gone West

We are saddened  to hear of the passing of Mary Meisler, spouse of long time member Hans Meisler, on August 13th, 2021.   Please pass your condolences and give your support to Hans.   Hans and Mary have been joined at the hip forever.  She was a very sweet and fun lady.   Rest in peace Mary.

Pat Fogarty Funeral August 26th

Here is an update I received from Nancy Mamber,  

Hi there!!
I’m reaching out to Pat’s friends who were forwarded to me by Mike Ryer.. regarding Pat’s (&Diane’s)  funeral.
I apologize if this is redundant. I’ve spoken to some of you recently. This is to make sure everyone knows the date, time address…. Please pass on to Pat’s buddies!  Thank you!
Say, Mike Fogarty will be coming in from Texas.
Thursday, August 26, at 11:00
St Thomas More Catholic Church
8035 S Quebec St
Englewood Co 80112

High Planes Hotpoxia Fest

Congrats to all who participated in the recently completed HPHF.  A great event.  Special thanks to Contest Director extraordinaire Duncan Koerbel.  It would have run smoother if he had put in more effort of course (HA HA HA).  It's amazing to see a CD organize and run  a contest from 600 miles + away from the contest site.  Thanks also to DJ Molny who Chiefed the entire contest and to Bwana Bob Buckley for the incredible work done prepping the massive pile of paper required to run a contest.  Thanks to all the Judges, Assistants, Recorders, Boundary Judges, Safety Pilots and last but not l


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