Saturday, October 13, 2012 - 11:00 to 13:00
Monthly Chapter Meeting and Lunch.
Location: Spirit of Flight Center (map), Erie CO (KEIK).
If you're flying in (which we highly encourage!), you can reach Spirit of Flight by taxiing north on the FBO ramp to the end, turn left (west) on the taxiway that parallels the crosswind runway, go over the bridge, then jog to the left.
NOTE: The runway is scheduled to be closed for repairs through October 11th, so be sure to check NOTAMS before you attempt to fly in!
- 10am: Officers and Directors meeting, closed session.
- 11am: General session.
- Noon: Lunch, $5pp. Critiquing at I-25 and Hwy. 52 (weather permitting).