The November chapter meeting was held on Nov. 5th, 2011, at Tom Larkin's Home for Wayward Pilots at EIK. 10:00 Officers and Directors, 11:00 general members.
Officers: Bob Freeman, Tom Larkin, DJ Molny, Brian Cabebe
Directors: John Blum, Tom Edwards, Mike Forney, Tom Shpakow
Members: Phil Deturk, Jack Wilhite, Allen Short, Earl Allen, Bill Kendall
Topic 1: Fall IAC Board of Director's Meeting Readout - Bob Freeman
The meeting lasted 16 hours over 2 days, and the briefing package was approximately 250 pages of reports and other information. Bob participated by phone. Highlights:
- IAC will engage in discussions with the IMAC (International Miniature Aerobatic Club). Intention is to align club interests specifically with respect to online judge training and certification.
- Future Judges Schools will be paid for via contest sanction fees, rather than charging the students.
- IAC Treasurer Bob Hart treasurer reported that the club is $16K under expense budget year-to-date, and $15K under target on income, for a net +$1K variance. The trend is daunting however. Looking for new approach to merchandising. Return on investment of IAC efforts at SunNFun is poor; decision made to take a one-year hiatus in 2012 and revisit next year.
- Membership Chair Doug McConnell membership reported that the trend of declining membership has slowed thanks to new efforts. Looking to identify a membership chair for each chapter in order to focus these efforts going forward.
- Judge certification and recurrency programs. Decision made to set up separate committee effort to implement an online judge training program. This is intended to make judges training more accessible, e.g. eliminating the need to travel to a remote location.
- IAC Director Wayne Roberts will form a committee to revamp the IAC website - EAA is permitting more freedom and control by IAC than it has in the past.
- CIVA: Report from Mike Heuer
- The IAC Board reviewed the proposed Advanced and Unlimited sequences, and decided to authorize USA's CIVA delegate Debby Rihn-Harvey to recommend. (Note: Debby just announced that CIVA adopted Advanced Proposal D and Unlimited Proposal D, available here, as the Known/Q sequences for 2012.)
- Changes have been proposed to the bidding process for future WAC, AWAC, and other international events. If approved, every fourth event (i.e. every 8 years) must be held at location outside Europe.
- IAC Rules change proposals: (paraphrasing... look them up if you want complete desciptions)
- 12-1 Altitudes for Advanced category in US to match CIVA altitudes (200M bottom and 1100M top of box) - Approved
- 12-4 Judges recurrency requirements - # of flights judged in prior year - changed for Adv and Unl pilots that compete in prior year - Approved
- 12-5 Match the rules for meteorilogical breaks and mechanical breaks for re-flight - Approved
- 12-6 Increase top of box for Primary and Sportsman to 4000' - Rejected
- 12-7 Allow downwind entries for Sportsman and Intermediate Knowns - Approved
- 12-8 Ballistic parachute on aircraft exempts pilot reserve requirement - Approved
- 12-9 Change to order of flight selection method (registrar or computer generated) - Approved
- 12-10 Allow Advanced pilots holding a 250' Statement of Aerobatic Competency card to fly the 4' Free program - Approved
- 12-11 Changes to disqualification criteria - Rejected
- 12-12 Allow motor gliders to compete as powered with engine running or as glider with engine off - Approved
- 12-13 Change to judging criteria on loops - Rejected
- 12-14 Allow foreign pilots to use medical from their home country for entry qualification (rather than US medical) - Approved
- Known sequences were selected for Sportsman (Proposal A) and Intermediate (Proposal P). Click here to view.
Topic 2: 2012 Calendar
- Jan. 7: Chapter 12 Holiday Party at the Larkin's house (thank you again!). Start time TBD. Catered meal, just show up! Tickets: $25pp non member, $20pp for members, $10 children 12 and under.
- Jan. 14: Chapter meeting
- Feb. 11: Chapter meeting
- March 10: Chapter meeting
- March 17-18: Judges School - Intro
- April 14: Chapter meeting
- April 15: Advanced Judges School
- May 12: Chapter meeting
- May 25-27: Ben Lowell Aerial Confrontation - Greeley (pending airport approval) - Free altitude breaks - 1st time competitors free entry. CD will be Mike Forney, VC will be Earl Allen.
- June 9: Chapter meeting
- July 13-15: High Planes HypoXia Fest - Sterling - CD TBD
- Aug. 11: Chapter meeting
- Sept 8: Chapter meeting
- October: No meeting (IAC5 contest in Lamar)
- Nov. 20: Chapter meeting
- Dec. 8: Chapter meeting
Topic 3: Glider discussion
Our contest calendar may preclude USAFA glider participation. Chapter 5 is supportive and their schedule works for the Academy, local contest helps with glider team's budget. DJ is working to identify and document best practices for combined power/glider events. Suggestion for the Academy to host a contest: glider-only or glider/power.
Topic 4: 2012 Elections & Awards
- President - DJ Molny
- Vice President - Tom Larkin pending airline recall - Edwards might backfill
- Website - DJ wil continue
- Treasurer - Brian Cabebe
- Directors: Shpakow, Edwards, Dagmar Kress, Freeman
- Membership chair: Dagmar Kress
- Award for volunteer of the year: DJ nominated
- Judging award: DJ will poll the competitors in Dec
- Bobbitt Trophy: DJ to provide nomination to the IAC12 Board in December